Monday, 8 December 2014

Grand Illusion Mystery Quilt: Week 2

A working weekend meant less time for sewing but I did get a few cut and sewn of Clue 2. I tried a hybrid method, sort of a quick and dirty, slap together solution and am less than pleased with the result. So printed off the template and going to try it that way for a while.
Here’s what they look like so far:
Grand Illusion clue2 2014-12-08 004
Two unit 2s sewn, one unsewn and 50 of clue one done.

Grand Illusion clue2 2014-12-08 001
My inspiration for my pinks, still blooming. I’m hoping they will stay in bloom until the end of the mystery but it could be a bit of a long shot.

So now to link up with Bonnie and see every ones progress. It is so fascinating to see how different the pieces can look with a change in colour.


  1. Pretty! Love your Geranium too..I bring mine in every winter too.
    Debra in Ma.

  2. Your blocks are looking good! Love the geranium flower - it is just right!
