Saturday, 29 October 2016

Back in Blogland again? maybe

It is amazing what information you can find cruising around the blogs. While catching up with my reading, I stumbled across information about installing Windows Live Writer on Windows 10. I had been using Live Writer previous to my upgrade to 10 but couldn’t seem to get it to work afterwards. So I have tried again using the directions given. I hope this will work as I miss the freedom this program gives me in composing my posts.
What I was working on before my summer break; two baby quilts that I finished and delivered while in Nova Scotia for my daughter’s wedding.
zoeyand quilt
This is my great-niece checking out her present

And here is the other quilt and it’s baby

And a final picture from the wedding day.
IMG_8492e (2)
Now to see if I can up-load this to the blog.
And it worked.... sort of. Turns out Live Writer still doesn't work but there is a program called Open Live Writer and it works. So good to go.