One of which was my day job. No pictures of that to share. Although I was working on a unit where the patients have some beautiful quilts. A pineapple quilt that is just gorgeous with what I believe are 3/4 in pieces, all in 30’s prints. However, we are not permitted to have our phones with us while working or to take pictures of our patients and their stuff. So that’s the end of that story.
Next distraction was getting my geraniums out of the garden before the frost comes. I haven’t tried wintering them over before. Choosing instead to purchase new in the spring. However this year I really loved their colour and wanted to ensure I had the same next year. I’m trying three different methods, hoping that at least one will succeed. My ceramic pots I bought in Fancy Gap, Virginia, just came in as they were and are sitting in the living room bay window.
These ones even popped out some new blooms after I carried them in. The Ones that were planted in the ground I dug up and am trying to dry them out to store wrapped in newspaper. Which is a method I read about but have never tried so have my doubts. And one of them I replanted from the ground into a pot.
Another project that had lots of time and attention was acquiring a car for my DD2. I think I mentioned last post how we were out looking at used cars for her. We almost lost the one that we liked best and had to race out after work on Saturday to put a deposit down on it. Monday we went back and completed the paperwork.

It’s a nice little Honda Civic which hopefully will last through the rest of her university years. We just have to get rid of the car in front of it now.
I did do some sewing on the Pfefferneuse blocks and am now sewing the hourglass units to the string units. And somehow I have miscounted again and am 9 hourglass units short.
Hopefully they are just lost on my cutting table.
Linking up with Jo's Country Junction to see what eveyone has gotten done this week.
Your geraniums look great! Hope you are successfully able to winter them over. Great progress on your quilt I always seem to come up short--my hubs says it is because I try to rush projects