Thursday, 24 November 2016


I’ve been trying to come up with a clever title but nothing comes to mind. Borders, I have a lot of them to do. Including now, the borders for Allietare   . I delayed writing last Wednesday hoping to get it all together and by Friday I had.
2016-11-18 11.01.20
The only part left to do is trimming the sides and attaching the borders. Oh, and cutting the borders. But at the moment I have at least 4 tops sitting waiting for their borders and some of them have more priority.
So my mission for the rest of this year is to get the borders on all of them and get some of them quilted. Not to get side-tracked into making more tops. ( except Bonnie’s  mystery)
Linking up with Jo  at Jo's Country Junctionto see what everyone else has been doing this week.

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