Wednesday, 2 November 2016

UFO update

Finally I can report some progress on UFOs.  I have been picking away on projects but it didn’t really feel like I was getting very far.  I worked on blocks for Allietare during a retreat I participated in back in September but hadn’t gotten the setting triangle pieces finished. I was also working on a Smokey Mountain Stars trying to get all 97 of the neutral block with double flipping corners. They seemed to be taking forever. Annnd I also worked on a Stepping Stones and Bricks while on retreat.
The Bricks and Stepping Stones top was assembled relatively fast since I had the stepping stone 4-patches all together.  And making it even more fun, another retreater brought her bin of 3.5’’ bricks for me to play with. Now that I have it together, I’m thinking it needs another row or two or maybe a large outer border.
2016-11-02 19.41.00

Good progress happened with Smokey Mountain Stars after I got Bonnie’s new ruler set. The bonus buddy ruler made all those flippy corners just fly through my machine. So they are all stacked waiting for a turn on the design wall.
2016-11-02 19.25.35

And the reason they have to wait their turn is the best news today. I have all the pieces for Allietare done and have started to assemble.
2016-11-02 17.28.38
happy dancing all over the place.  I was whining and moaning about not having a design wall to get these blocks in order when I suddenly realized. My closet doors when closed make a blank solid wall. If I hung the new Fons and Porter wall I had by command strip hooks …. and sure enough it worked.
Now to link up with Jo over at the Country Junction and see what everyone else has done.


  1. Looks like you are making good progress on your Bonnie projects.

  2. Congratulations on getting Allietare to the assembly stage! Great idea for your design wall.

    1. Thanks, I didn't realize how much I used mine until it was gone

  3. oh wonderful progress on your quilts - Are you ready for the new mystery - I can't wait

    1. Thanks, almost ready, need to find some greens
