Monday, 30 December 2013

Mystery Monday Again

And where did the week-end go? I was going to get so much done..and didn’t.  Just FARTed around.  Friday I didn’t work on Adirondack Autumn much as I tried  to get some housework done.  Then Saturday, friends from out of town dropped by (boy was I glad I’d gotten some cleaning done). A quick shopping trip that some how ended at the LQS and a bunch of fabric coming home with me. Then I worked on a folded star hotpad I’d seen on a blog, with little success. I got the body of the pad done, just couldn’t get the binding to work.  And Sunday I picked up an extra shift to pay for all that fabric.  All of this to explain why my total for Clue 5 is ( insert drum roll here) 2 . Yup, T W O.
And you can probably see from the tray, none of the other clues are finished.
But at some point I did get all the blocks done for the framed nine patch.  Since I only needed three once I found the stash of blocks already made this is not a big deal.
And today was skimpy on the sewing end again.  Due to another Fabric Acquisition Road Trip.  I think I mentioned about my friend gifting me some fabric a while back but I can’t find where or when that was posted. Anyhow, she phoned earlier in this month to say she had more for me if we could come in and pick it up.  Much to and froing finally established today as the big meet up at her place of work where this fabric was going to be discarded. As in tossed to the curb.  I was thinking a few boxes. Boy was I ever wrong. Here’s what we came home with. If it was all quilting fabric I would be turning cartwheels. However most was dress-making and tailoring , high end wool suitings, silks, linings. But  we couldn’t leave it behind and wound up talking ourselves into taking most of it. My dear husband would say "but this is silk !" and I"d go "can't quilt silk" and yet it stayed in the "to keep" pile. Now we are faced with the daunting task of carrying it into the house and finding a place to store it all.

So now to link up with Bonnie and see what everyone else has gotten done. Bet it is more than two.


  1. Your mystery is coming have the BEST friends. Seriously you hit the jackpot!

    1. I know, it is just " where am I going to put this" panic at the moment.

  2. How exciting. Maybe with the dress and suiting fabrics you can create so ethi g unique drawing on all your experience?

    1. I've already got a few things in mind for it. Definitely a skirt or two or three

  3. Oh, wow, what a haul! Lots of happy sewing ahead.

    Happy new year!
