A lot more progress this week, due to a whole day dedicated to sewing. Friday I didn’t even dress, I went right from printing the new clue, to the sewing room with barely a stop for coffee. And right into the cutting.
And was I ever glad for my dash to the fabric store the day before. I felt my blacks weren’t scrappy enough so trekked over to my local quilting store. I was really looking for a particular batik I had found in my bin. I had only one strip of 2.5” left of it and no idea where I had found it originally. They didn’t have it but I picked up a couple of FQs of some others. I would insert a picture of them here but turns out I didn't take one before jumping in and cutting.
The new clue didn’t get all my attention, in fact I didn’t even get ten of them done

Here they are, all nine of them.
Instead I worked a little bit on every clue.
So now I have 65 of Unit One; 24 of Unit Two; and 40 of Unit Three.

And the Bargello is coming along nicely as my Leader and Ender, with one panel done and two ready to slice and dice.

Even more exciting to me, is the geraniums are still in bloom. Getting some yellowing in the leaves but the flowers just might last until the end of the mystery

Now to link up with Bonnie at Quiltville and see how every one is coming along. Maybe I should get a coffee first, this could take a while, visiting over a hundred blogs.
Fantastic that your geranium still has flowers!