Thursday, 11 October 2012

Plotting another I Spy

I was bitten by the I Spy bug years ago.  But have only finished a half dozen of them. One of which I don't count because it was a "cheater" panel. They have resurface these past two years as gifts for friends having grandchildren. Especially one particular friend whos daughter and daugher-in--law seem to be popping them out every couple of months.
These are the quilts I've given her so far:

The last one I did as a memory game, using two of every image or similar object. The problem is how to top these, because another baby is coming.  And the answer came from crusing blogs. Mrs Goodneedle posted about doing a Picture Play quilt which lead me to, and today my own Picture Play book arrived with a ton of ideas.  Just have to get that Floribunda together so I can play.

1 comment:

  1. I love novelty fabrics so I love I spy quilts but oddly I haven't really made any. But I probably have enough novelty fabs to make 50 or so. I like all your examples. The twirling stars in the sashing is especially cool! cheers, CW
